Jenmalm-Jensen, Annika

Annika Jenmalm Jensen finished her PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in 1998 at Uppsala University. She then joined the pharmaceutical industry first at Pharmacia, later at Biovitrum, where she held various positions within preclinical drug discovery. In 2009, Annika left Biovitrum and started to work towards the inauguration of Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS) where she was the Director between 2010-2016. In 2016 she was appointed Infrastructure Director at SciLifeLab which she today combines being a head of division at MBB, Karolinska Institutet. Annika has a passion for Drug Discovery and believes highly in the potential of combining academic drug discovery infrastructures with PI experts in explorative disease biology.
Academic Drug Discovery capabilities at SciLifeLab, Sweden.
Science for Life Laboratories (SciLifeLab) is a fully integrated national center for technology and data driven molecular life sciences. SciLifeLab comprises a wide variety of capabilities relevant for academic drug discovery of which two platforms are fully devoted to this: the SciLifeLab drug discovery and development (DDD) platform and the Functional Biology and Target Discovery platform. At the meeting I will give an overview of the SciLifeLab national Infrastructure and the overall capabilities relevant for academic drug discovery.
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